Net3 Radio Focus Remote

I recently purchased a Net3 Radio Focus remote.  It works great in terms of usability and built in features but the battery only lasts around 3 hours.  Is this normal or do I have a duff version but the spec sheet does not mention battery life?  Given the size of the thing and small and low spec display I would expect this product to go days with out needing recharging.



  • Hi Orri,

    what version of software is displayed on the RFR Handheld display when you turn it on? It should display V2.0.7 - this version has better recharging management to help lengthen the life of your batteries inside the RFR; if you don't have the V2.0.7, you can download it free from our website to a usb stick and update your RFR from your console or laptop (via our GCE software).  

    The second thing to check is how long the backlight stays on after you stop pressing keys.. You can set it from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, and I recommend 30 seconds,

    because the backlight trains the battery, and when you aren't looking at the display, you shouldn't need it on.

    You can set this time, by pressing the "C" button when you turn your RFR Handheld on, and go thru the config

    settings to Backlight setting.

    If you need more assistance, feel free to contact us!


  • I am running version 2.0.7.  The backlight was on 1 minute and I have changed this to 30 seconds to get more life out of the unit.  Do you know how long a fully charged battery should last in case I got a duff unit?


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