Congo Client

I've just received my dongle from ETC and am trying to get my laptop to work as a client to my console. 

I have set my IP address on the laptop to and the console is

The console recognises 2 devices in network but I only get the offline option to login on the laptop.

Any help please...


  • Hi Gareth,

    Please check that you have the IPX network protocol installed under Windows on your laptop (normally, only TCP/ IP is installed by default).

    Do this by:

    1. Go to Network Properties in your PC (right click and select properties on the Network symbol in the
    Control Panel)
    2. If the IPX/SPX protocol isn't installed, click on Install, select Protocol and find the IPX/SPX protocol in
    the list.
    3. When the IPX/SPX protocol is installed, select Properties and verify that frame type is set to 802.3.

    The IPX protocol needs to be installed for Congo to be able to talk to the Client.
    This should fix your issue, if it doesn't let us know.


    [edited by: okrogell at 2:11 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Aug 18 2007]
  • The frame type is very important - Windows will default to "Auto", which doesn't work.

  • This might be a misunderstanding. The IPX protocol is not needed for the Client to be able to talk to the Server.

    Your connection problem must be related to something else. What does your network configuration look like? Do you have a switch or router between the server and the client? It might be a configuration problem that doesn't allow all necessary data to get through.


  • This might be a misunderstanding. The IPX protocol is not needed for the Client to be able to talk to the Server.

    Your connection problem must be related to something else. What does your network configuration look like? Do you have a switch or router between the server and the client? It might be a configuration problem that doesn't allow all necessary data to get through.


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