
We've got a RRFU unit that stops to work we don't know why.  Until the end of March I used the RRFU everyday to check all the lights before the play but until last week we don't use the Congo to do a play cause we receive an external play and they bought there on console (MA) so we don't use the RRFU.

Now we start a mini theatre festival with foreign companys and when we went to use the RRFU notjing happens. We change the batterys of the unit but nothing happens. We notice that on the receiver unit the led go on when we send some order from the RRFU unit but the result it's the same. And yes we click on the enable remote control on the Setup.

Can someone say if it's ussual or normal this happen???


Pedro Alves


P.S. : On the last week of March we've got a problem with the DMX 2 and the console went to technical service and they say that just change an circuit on the CONGO DMX board cause the original it's off. Why this happen we don't know cause the DMX 2 went crazy during a play afecting the only the things that are on that DMX out (10 ETC REVOLUTION).

  • is it doing this on a 'new play' pedro

    [edited by: Andy F at 11:15 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 27 2010]
  • Hi Andy and John.

    Yes it's doing this in a new play and also on the others plays that I've got on Congo and that I used the RRFU.


    And like I said before yes on the system setup and on the systems settings it's enable the RRFU.


    Because of this malfunction we've got an extra person on the console to bring up the channels for us to focus so someone doesn't do what it's suposed to do during this mini festival wich is annoying.


    Ask again if it's normal to stop working like this??? And what to do to put the RRFU to work?

    Pedro Alves

    P.S. : we still don't use the ultimate toll to try arrange the RRFU but it's very near that it's happen (the hammer).

  • Hi Andy and John.

    Yes it's doing this in a new play and also on the others plays that I've got on Congo and that I used the RRFU.


    And like I said before yes on the system setup and on the systems settings it's enable the RRFU.


    Because of this malfunction we've got an extra person on the console to bring up the channels for us to focus so someone doesn't do what it's suposed to do during this mini festival wich is annoying.


    Ask again if it's normal to stop working like this??? And what to do to put the RRFU to work?

    Pedro Alves

    P.S. : we still don't use the ultimate toll to try arrange the RRFU but it's very near that it's happen (the hammer).
