Lost of Patch when importing


My Ass tech has just loaded a matinee show then he imported some Dyn effects cues from last nights show which changed last night. He then imported the Master pages from the same show and nothing seemed to be out putting. The patch said it was there but it wasnt.

We had to import the patch from last nights show to get anything working.

Any thoughts ????

We have a big Congo and using the up to date version 6.0.3.

Thanks in adavnace


[edited by: cknapper at 6:09 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, May 29 2010]
  • Hi Carl,

    Please note that the Import function doesn't automatically import other parts of the data set that the imported data is depending on. This other data has to be imported manually.

    From your description, it sounds like there is something missing that playback is depending on.

    For example: To import presets, you might have to import Templates, Device patch and Palettes before you can import the actual presets. And, all the dependent data needs to be in the same locations in the new play file for it to work since there is no automatic renumbering done during import.

    Does this explain what you have been seeing?
