network service


I can't active the network service with a congo junior. I use it with an other congo junior with address service to address my wifi access to use iRFR. I use an airport express Apple, I prefer don't use a fixe IP address for it so I need that congo junior will have a DHCP service to address it.

Why this function is only inactive ?

thank you for your help, I'm going start focus today and need to use iRFR.




  • If you are using a Congo jr with a pre v5 image, you will need to install GCE Network Services:

    • Download GCE from the website
    • Extract the installer onto a USB stick, and pplug that into the console
    • Welcome Screen > System Settings > Update
    • Choose the GCE installer
    • During install, it may ask you if you are installing onto a console or a PC - choose Console.
  • If you are using a Congo jr with a pre v5 image, you will need to install GCE Network Services:

    • Download GCE from the website
    • Extract the installer onto a USB stick, and pplug that into the console
    • Welcome Screen > System Settings > Update
    • Choose the GCE installer
    • During install, it may ask you if you are installing onto a console or a PC - choose Console.