Deleting pallettes

Can anyone tell me how to delete pallettes?  I don't want to edit them empty, or delete tham from the direct selects, I want to remove them altogether. Typing in "delete pallette" to the help file brings up nothing, I can't find it in the manual and everything I've tried so far hasn't worked.

Thanks to anyone who can help.
  •  Hello

    to delete palettes : [Modify]+[Focus] or [color] or [beam] or [palette] then the palette list open, you choose palette then [delete] key and confirm by Modify, after this you can't undo this, be careful.

    You can access atthe list of palettes  since Browser, palettes, then focus, color beam and palette valide with modify to open list of palettes


    have a good day 

  •  Hello

    to delete palettes : [Modify]+[Focus] or [color] or [beam] or [palette] then the palette list open, you choose palette then [delete] key and confirm by Modify, after this you can't undo this, be careful.

    You can access atthe list of palettes  since Browser, palettes, then focus, color beam and palette valide with modify to open list of palettes


    have a good day 
