Clay Paky alpha spot

Hi all.

Im useing 12 Alpha spot 575 HPE on a gig and I have had to re do the template for lamp on. The problem is in the manual I have to run through Value 10 > 35 over 5 sec's to lamp off. I carnt get my head around how to do this an easy way with just one command. Can I set up a macro to do this ????

Also I carnt find a reset command in Control does anyone know the value of this using the Congo.


Any ideas please.

Thanking you in adavnce.


  • What difficulty did you have with the standard library template?

    I have looked at the manual for the Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 575 and compared it to the Standard Library template in Congo v6.0.3 and it looks to have the correct values.
    - It is for 16-bit mode with the Vector option turned off.

  • Hi Richard.

    When I held the control in Beam and did the lamp off command and reset it just didnt work.

    I have got arounf this by putting the parameter of Control on a master faser and doing it very slowly from 5% to 35% and it works this way.

    Reset is still a mystery to me :(

    there are in Ext mode (HPE 575 spot EXT in your extended library) 


    [edited by: cknapper at 4:23 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 14 2010]
  • MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm think I know whats wrong there is no DMX 27 in the templates. And this is the DMX value that RESETS the unit.


  • Which mode are your fixtures set to?

    Reset is on DMX 23 in the 16-bit mode.

    It's 27 if you are in Extended mode, which also puts Lamp On onto 28.

    I can't figure out what you mean here at all. Can you attach an example?


    Sorry - missed your previous post.

    The Extended Library is automatically generated and so is likely to contain minor errors and omissions. We always recommend that you use a Standard Library template where possible because those have been created by real people.

    I suggest that you use the 16bit mode for this fixture, as then you can use the Standard Library template.

    - In this fixture the "Extn" mode does not actually offer any advantages over the 16bit mode, it simply re-orders the Pan/Tilt/Gobo Fine parameters.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:03 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 14 2010]
  • Which mode are your fixtures set to?

    Reset is on DMX 23 in the 16-bit mode.

    It's 27 if you are in Extended mode, which also puts Lamp On onto 28.

    I can't figure out what you mean here at all. Can you attach an example?


    Sorry - missed your previous post.

    The Extended Library is automatically generated and so is likely to contain minor errors and omissions. We always recommend that you use a Standard Library template where possible because those have been created by real people.

    I suggest that you use the 16bit mode for this fixture, as then you can use the Standard Library template.

    - In this fixture the "Extn" mode does not actually offer any advantages over the 16bit mode, it simply re-orders the Pan/Tilt/Gobo Fine parameters.

    [edited by: Richard at 7:03 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 14 2010]
  • Hi Richard 

    Thanks for this. After sitting down with 30mins to myself I worked out what the problem was. Its hard explaining the reason things dont work with a LD / PM and Director on your case. 

    All is good now (I hope), I'll try the edited library today.

    I am only the programmer and the LD wanted these fixtures in Ext mode.


  • Hi Carl,

    Could you please post the template here. I will be using quite a lot of them at a festival soon. It would be nice to have a look at your template.


    Kind regards


  • Hi Florian

    Using the CP Alpha Range and Congo quite a lot, it's worth knowing that having two templates kicking around is a good thing as some (the spots in particular) have pan home positions that are offset by 90 degrees - very weird and quite annoying.  I can only assume that there is a batch (or several) of CP Alpha Spots where something was put in the wrong way round.  Have asked CP but never had an answer.

    Also worth knowing, that in the Extended library, the default pan position is numerically half way through the range, but this positions the fixture at 45 degrees to where you would expect it to be.  For me this isn't a massive problem as I don't rely on homing them very often as I use palettes even for home positions - just worth bearing in mind.  Apologies if this is a sucking eggs scenario...


  • Hi Florian.

    I have just added DMX value 27 to the extended template and this now re-sets the units OK. To do this go into Patching>setting/tools>templates and click on the Alpha spot 575 HPE. This opens a new window. Type 27 then INSERT, set the parameter column to Reset which is at the bottom of the list. All done.

    Hi Tom.

    To get around this problem I have just re-recorded the home position. set all units to a suitable home state the Hold RECORD and press HOME ATT. You can redo this in the way you say but it takes longer setting the values. All spots I have use do this you explain above.

    Florian any question then email on


