Track List

Hallo, nach erfolgreichen Update auf 6.0.4 und Facepanel Firmware (Momentan nur auf Congo SE), ist es nicht möglich, wenn der Browser aktiv ist und ich dann TRACK drücke, öffnet sich nicht die Track Liste,erst wenn ich im Live bin oder auf den 3. Monitor. Alle anderen Listen lassen sich vom aktiven Browser öffnen.

Schade finde ich, das in V 6.0.4 das Wizard Problem nicht gelöst ist. Mein Thema im Forum dazu ist,, mehrere Kreise gleichzeitig von einen Kreis kopieren".


Thorsten Scholz

Theater an der Ruhr / Mülheim

  • Hallo Thorsten,

    Do you mean that TRACK worked in the Browser in the previous version? The TRACK button has a special function in the Browser, mainly to allow tracking for palettes and preset throughout the show file. Could this be what you are seeing?

    Regarding the Copy multiple channels function: We are well aware about your request. However, since 6.0.4 is a maintenence release, we are only fixing bugs and do not change functionality. It will be done in the next software update. Sorry for the delay.

  • Hi Anders, i try in English

    Browser is activ (yellow), when i push the ,,Track" Button  ( to come in the Track List,, to see the Intensitiv ), nothing happens. When I`m in Live it works, the Track List will open.If my third Screen is activated it works also.

    When the Browser is activ, i can any other List, like Seq List or Preset List and other open , without Track List.

    Do you understand , what i mean .



  • Hallo Thorsten,

    Please feel free to write in German. I read German but my writing isn't very good.

    The TRACK button has a special function in the Browser (since v5, I think). If you press TRACK when the Browser is focused, it is used to activate tracking on the focused item in the Browser tree. Currently, this works for Presets and Palettes and it will give you a list of all places a Preset or Palette is used.

    If you press TRACK on any other item in the Browser, nothing happens (since there is nothing to track in this case), which is the way it is designed. Does this explain what you are seeing?

  • Hallo Thorsten,

    Please feel free to write in German. I read German but my writing isn't very good.

    The TRACK button has a special function in the Browser (since v5, I think). If you press TRACK when the Browser is focused, it is used to activate tracking on the focused item in the Browser tree. Currently, this works for Presets and Palettes and it will give you a list of all places a Preset or Palette is used.

    If you press TRACK on any other item in the Browser, nothing happens (since there is nothing to track in this case), which is the way it is designed. Does this explain what you are seeing?
