Using master buttons to advance sequence with fader @ 0

Hey everyone,

New to the forum and I have a question about using the master buttons with sequences on the Congo.

My ideal set up is to be able to load a sequence into a master and be able to advance the position in the sequence without the fader being up (in other words so that it marks the move in black) and then when I bring the fader up have the intensity of the preset follow the fader.

Setting the master button to be GO works to advance position in the sequence list so long as the fader > 0 but then all moves are seen live since fixtures have intensity.

I have thought of the work around of not writing the mover intensities into the presets and controlling that separately, but the flexibility of being able to determine which fades happen live and which do not with the fader value seems incredibly valuable.

Interestingly, if I connect the Master Playback controls to the master with the sequence list and try using the master button as a GO button with the fader down, the Master Playback Window shows the sequence advancing and I receive the audible "click" confirmation of the fade happening, but when I bring up the fader the previous preset is still live, not the new one.

Anyone have any suggestions or work arounds?

Thanks everyone!

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