Congo v6.0.4 and new Congo facepanel firmware now available!

Congo v6.0.4 software has been released and posted to the Web site. This release also includes a new firmware file for Congo consoles (not Congo jr or Lightserver). The firmware update is compatible with older versions of Congo software and does not require that v6.0.4 be installed. All Congo consoles should have their facepanel firmware updated, and we recommend that users of Congo, Congo jr and Lightservers update to v6.0.4 as soon as production schedules permit.

Congo v6.0.4 is mainly a bug fix release. Among other fixes, this version addresses a known slow-down when running with the Sequence List open. While this helps, it does not entirely solve the slowdowns some of you have experienced when using a long main sequence or many sequences in a play file (this is being fixed in v6.1, currently in development).This is caused by the Browser recalculating the contents of the sequence(s) every time one records a new preset or updates an existing one.

If you notice during programming that updates and records become progressively slower, showing the hourglass as your sequence gets longer,  we recommend hiding the Browser completely (use SETUP & BROWSER to remove Browser from any screens). When running without a visible browser, it’s good to remember the show file Save As and Update shortcuts C/ALT & RECORD and C/ALT & UPDATE, respectively. You can store your current display setup (with and without the Browser shown) to Screen selects in the Direct Select area (Type: SCREENS, use TAB & Direct Select key to store the current screen layout to a Screens button). This will make hiding and revealing the Browser much easier.

Thanks very much -


[edited by: sclausen at 2:18 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 28 2010] Added link to downloads page