re: quicker way to access Chase Editor


It'd be good if there was a way to access the Chase Editor directly from a selected Effect Playback (that has a chase in it). If there already is - not the Browser way or the soft key way - I'd be glad to know. Modify is already taken there - how about Modify + Effect (can't remember if that's used there already)?



  • [Modify] & [Effect] brings up the Effect Playbacks List for labelling, inserting and deleting Effect Playbacks.

    What do you find slow about the {Effect} {Chase} softkeys?
    - This is two keystrokes from softkey home. (Absolute maximum of four including a double-tap of [<--])


  • I don't find the soft keys slow as such, 'quicker' may have been the wrong word. I like the way the system generally behaves as a spreadsheet, when you get used to it anyway! And you can usually 'drill down' to referenced data in a spreadsheet and I think the Chase Editor bit is inconsistent with the rest of the system where you generally can do that. Having the Browser and Soft Key way too is fine but I like the direct access metaphor Congo uses rather than having to go round the side and in the backdoor to change/set things. Having said that, it's a very small thing and not even high on my list let alone anyone elses but was just asking.


  • Ah, I think you may be confusing Chase Effect Playbacks with the Chases that can be played using them.

    The [Effect] key refers to an Effect Playback - not a chase (or channel set, dynamic table, series etc).

    The Chases themselves are similar to frames in Scroller Rolls, in that they're a list of items that can be selected with the "Chases*" encoder.

    [Modify] & (THING) then opens the list of "THING"s


    • [Modify] & [Preset] opens the list of Presets
    • [Modify] & [Effect] opens the list of Effect Playbacks


    Does that make it clearer?

  • Hi Richard,

    No, I get the distinction between effects and their playbacks - I'll freely admit it took me a while and I'll probably forget it again on occasion!

    No, what I mean for example, say you have a Sequence you're interested in modifying at some level - if you hit Seq, navigate to the Sequence number you're interested in, hit Modify and you get an editable list of Presets in that Sequence directly rather than having to go somewhere else to access it. Take it further, arrow right to a Preset number in a step you're interested in, hit Modify and you're modifying that Preset. In the Effect Playback, you can only view/select which effect that playback is using, you can't dive in directly and edit it and I think it'd be quite cool (and consistent with how the sofware works generally with being able to 'drill down' into referenced/underlying data) if you could.




  • Hi Richard,

    No, I get the distinction between effects and their playbacks - I'll freely admit it took me a while and I'll probably forget it again on occasion!

    No, what I mean for example, say you have a Sequence you're interested in modifying at some level - if you hit Seq, navigate to the Sequence number you're interested in, hit Modify and you get an editable list of Presets in that Sequence directly rather than having to go somewhere else to access it. Take it further, arrow right to a Preset number in a step you're interested in, hit Modify and you're modifying that Preset. In the Effect Playback, you can only view/select which effect that playback is using, you can't dive in directly and edit it and I think it'd be quite cool (and consistent with how the sofware works generally with being able to 'drill down' into referenced/underlying data) if you could.




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