Channel Layout Problems

Congo Jr. 6.0.4


When in Live tab we load a channel layout and the tab shows that the layout is loaded but the layout is not visually there.  We are now on v. 6.04 and we have had this problem since the 4.0 update.  Its really frustrating...and I'm hoping there's something simple I just don't know.



Parents Reply Children
  • Could it be that the channel layout is just really small (so you can barely see the icons), really large (so you're looking at a gap between icons) or way off to one side?

    Some things to check:

    Ensure that the channel layout is nicely centred using the grid in the Layout Editor - the grid marks the 'default' centre.
    Selecting a channel should move the layout so  that channel is just in view.
    [C/Alt] & [Format] will re-centre and re-set the zoom levels so the 'grid' just fills the tab.

  • So, we've tried Zooming and moving things left and no avail.

    Sarah...I'll send you the show-file...typically we just create a new sequence for our sunday services rather than a new show-file...because we need only one sequence per service it's just easier to copy and paste the sequence, rename it and adjust the presets and sequence order to that service needs.

    I'll send the showfile when I get to work this morning.
