Device List function

Can someone explain to me what the difference is between inverting Pan/Tit on the "input" (controls) or "output" (stored data)?


  • Hi Orri,

    Inverting the "Input" inverts the direction of the encoder wheels, but nothing else - so existing pan/tilt data is unchanged, and the 'values' you see are unchanged.

    Inverting the "Output" inverts the data itself as it exits the console - so existing pan/tilt data will be inverted, as well as inverting the direction of fixture travel.

  • Hi Orri,

    Inverting the "Input" inverts the direction of the encoder wheels, but nothing else - so existing pan/tilt data is unchanged, and the 'values' you see are unchanged.

    Inverting the "Output" inverts the data itself as it exits the console - so existing pan/tilt data will be inverted, as well as inverting the direction of fixture travel.

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