printing info lists from Congo files


Despite having a Congo since Aug 07, I've never had the need before to print a hard copy of the levels of each channel, follow on info and fade times in each sequence step until now.

How is this done please?

I'm running V 5:1 on a Congo Snr


Chris Kluge

  • Hi Chris -

    I recommend updating the console to v6.0.4 and using the improved printing functionality. In v5 this prints to a text file only, in v6 you have many more options for printing and the printout is a PDF with hyperlinks, making it easier to manage/navigate large show files. If you would prefer not to update your console, you could install v6.04 offline on another computer or you can send me your show file and I can generate the PDF for you here. sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com.

    Thanks -


  • Hi Chris -

    I recommend updating the console to v6.0.4 and using the improved printing functionality. In v5 this prints to a text file only, in v6 you have many more options for printing and the printout is a PDF with hyperlinks, making it easier to manage/navigate large show files. If you would prefer not to update your console, you could install v6.04 offline on another computer or you can send me your show file and I can generate the PDF for you here. sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com.

    Thanks -

