Congo Jr, iRFR, and Linksys - Fail

We purchased a Linksys WRT45GL wireless router to use our iPhone iRFR with our Congo Jr.  Here's where we are at so far:

Congo (v 6.0.4) IP :
Router IP:
iPhone (3G - OS4):

We have set all IP's manually, and disabled DHCP.  I've disabled all firewalls and security (for the sake of getting a connection).  The Congo is connected via one of the 4 LAN ports on the router. We have also disabled the 3g on the phone.  There are no other devices in our network (ETC or otherwise).

The Router has predefined subnet mask, so we cannot use the as told to do so in the Wiki.  The closest we can get is  No problem, we changed the Congo subnet to match.   My understanding is that the Internet IP is not relevant in our current set up, but it is the only IP that allows us to change the subnet mask. 

Here's our problem...we don't get a green check on the iRFR, but technically we can still connect.  The connection is shaky at best, and we do not get the Cue list or the Playback list.  It also doesn't show the current version of the console.

Does anyone out there have ANY ideas?  We have gone through most if not all of the Forums and the Wiki. 



  • OK, so I put the congo in the DMZ on the router and that actually helped with the stability of the connection.  We are still having problems, however.

    When checking the connection on the RFR app, we don't get a green check or a red circle...we get bars displaying signal strength.

    We still don't get Cue lists or Playback list. 

    Any Ideas?



  • Jason,  From what this page says, the Congo does not support the playback and cue list features of the iRFR app.  That only works on the EOS Family of consoles.




  • Cool, thanks.  Clearly I missed that completely.

    Now I just need to know if I need to concern myself with the "Green Checkmark".  We don't get that at all, yet we can still control channels and do dimmer check.

    I really appreciate the help.

  • Just checking, but the Congo is plugged into a LAN port and not the WAN port right? The fact that the connectivity got better by changing a DMZ setting doesn't really make sense as that should only affect data coming in via WAN trying to access LAN address'. If the congo is on the WAN port, try switching it to the LAN.  Also, when you say the Router IP is, did you set the Router IP (about halfway down the page) or the Internet Connection Type Static IP that is at the top of the Basic Setup Page?


  • We are in fact in a LAN port, and you're right...the DMZ shouldn't have affected it.  I can't remember if maybe I had done something else along with that process that might have made the connection stable.  All I know is that our connection kept, where before it would only stay connected for about 20-30 seconds.

    We set the Router IP to, and the subnet is (limited to subnet options in a dropdown menu).   My understanding is that the internet IP would only apply to the WAN.  Is that wrong?  I can try to change that as well.

    Thanks!...and forgive my ignorance.  Networking is not my stongest suit.

  • Nope, don't worry about the Internet IP. You are correct that it should have nothing to do with the current setup. I was just checking. As far as I can tell, you've done everything correctly. Odd about the DMZ, but if that seemed to help. You can make sure that DHCP and NAT are turned off just to get rid of any extra junk that is floating around, but otherwise I'm out of ideas. I hope it stays stable for you.


  • I also disabled the firewall (for the time being) to ensure that we weren't being blocked by that.  The fact that the app seemingly works even though it doesn't give us the "Green Check" on connectivity is long as it keeps working.  I just worry about whether or not it's going to work each time.  Since there's no real visual thumbs up, we have to hope that it's going to do what it's made to do. 

    Thanks everyone for your help and insight.  I really appreciate it.


  • I just checked my iRFR app and it looks as though in the latest version, there is no more Green Checkmark, just the signal indicator that it's connected correctly.  So it looks like you are good to go.  it also dings when it makes a good connection.

  • Thank you!  That actually makes me feel better about the whole thing.  It seems everything is working as it should be.

    Thanks again, everyone!

