PLEASE HELP!!! Congo Jr: Inexperienced

I am a HS teacher  trying to learn the Congo Jr system.  I have limited experience in lighting design, to say the least, and the board is the largest challenge I have.  I also have several clay packy instruments, and would like to learn how to use them to their full capabilities within the context of the shows I'm doing.  I sincerely apologise for my ignorance, but would wash cars to get ay help I can.  I do know that the congo jr system I'm working with is NOT the v6, or most recent.  Is there any place I can get some help?  I've looked at the User manual, and it's helped a bit, but not much. 

Again, any help is sincerely appreciated

  • First of all, download the following two installers from our website:

    • Congo & Congo jr Software v6.0.4 (Console, Client & Offline Editor)
    • Congo v6 Training Tutorial Movies Installer (for Congo, Congo jr, Congo Light Server and Client/Offline PCs)

    These include installation instructions for Congo v4 and Congo v5, and can also be installed on any Windows PC.
    (The Mac version is also on that page)

    Use these to upgrade your Congo jr to v6 and to install the Training Tutorial Movies.

    Once you've done that, start Congo and have a look in the Media section of the 'Browser' for the tutorial videos.

    Some basic concepts in Congo:

    One Desk Channel is one 'real physical light' - so each of your real Clay Paky moving lights is one Channel (one box in the Live tab), and each of your dimmer circuits is also one channel - there's no difference.

    Intensity is always on the level wheel (the silver one).

    If a channel does more than just Intensity, these 'extra' things (Attributes) appear on the four Encoders (purple dials under the LCD display).
    You can change what is shown there using the [Focus], [Color] and [Beam] buttons to the right of them.
    - [Focus] will show 'aiming' type of attributes, like Pan, Tilt etc,
    - [Color] will show Colour attributes, like Cyan, Magenta, Yellow etc
    - [Beam] shows everything else - so Gobos (patterns that go into the beam), Frost etc

    Here is a short cheat sheet of commands (normal mode).

    The entire manual is built into the console - hit the [?] key to open it.

    Holding [?] and pressing any other button gives you some help on that button.

    With Help open, you can press [Text] to search in the Help file.

    Finally, ETC run regular training sessions.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:55 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Aug 23 2010]
  • First of all, download the following two installers from our website:

    • Congo & Congo jr Software v6.0.4 (Console, Client & Offline Editor)
    • Congo v6 Training Tutorial Movies Installer (for Congo, Congo jr, Congo Light Server and Client/Offline PCs)

    These include installation instructions for Congo v4 and Congo v5, and can also be installed on any Windows PC.
    (The Mac version is also on that page)

    Use these to upgrade your Congo jr to v6 and to install the Training Tutorial Movies.

    Once you've done that, start Congo and have a look in the Media section of the 'Browser' for the tutorial videos.

    Some basic concepts in Congo:

    One Desk Channel is one 'real physical light' - so each of your real Clay Paky moving lights is one Channel (one box in the Live tab), and each of your dimmer circuits is also one channel - there's no difference.

    Intensity is always on the level wheel (the silver one).

    If a channel does more than just Intensity, these 'extra' things (Attributes) appear on the four Encoders (purple dials under the LCD display).
    You can change what is shown there using the [Focus], [Color] and [Beam] buttons to the right of them.
    - [Focus] will show 'aiming' type of attributes, like Pan, Tilt etc,
    - [Color] will show Colour attributes, like Cyan, Magenta, Yellow etc
    - [Beam] shows everything else - so Gobos (patterns that go into the beam), Frost etc

    Here is a short cheat sheet of commands (normal mode).

    The entire manual is built into the console - hit the [?] key to open it.

    Holding [?] and pressing any other button gives you some help on that button.

    With Help open, you can press [Text] to search in the Help file.

    Finally, ETC run regular training sessions.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:55 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Aug 23 2010]
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