A simple version of Congo


I'd like a version of Congo that instead of all the bells and whistles and the endless bugs, just provides a bug free console without any moving light functions, networking etc, that does what I ask it EVERY time I ask it.

It would be really good if I could install the latest version of software (I'm running V 6.04 on a Snr) and at the startup screen, it asks me if I'd like to enter "basic" mode instead of full blown mode.

Basic mode would be the full mode with various (maybe user selectable) options disabled.

When I'm running a rig on my little standard 168 dimmer channle rig, I don't need movers and I don't need 90% of the bells and whistles either. I do need a bug free console I can have other users use without many hours of training.

Then maybe I could take more time off and not be so grumpy. :)

  • Top-centre of the console is a switch labelled "Channels - Master - Jam".

    Flick it to the Channels position, and you've got a fader-per-channel console.

    [edited by: Richard at 1:54 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Aug 27 2010]
  • Hi

    I've had my Congo Snr since Aug 07, I know how to run in channel mode.

    My update history is as follows.

    Version 4.3.1 Aug 07

    Version 4.3.3 Jan 00

    Version 5 June 08

    Version 6 Sep 09

    Version 5,1 Sep 09

    Version 6.0.4 Aug 10

    My point is simple. None of these versions is bug free and V 6 was so bad I had to revert to 5.

    A simple, BUG FREE version of software is what I'm suggesting.

    It would be less processing power to run. Be a great entry level version to teach and be much easier to get bug free.

    Congo technical support is excellent by the way, thanks.


  • Hi

    I've had my Congo Snr since Aug 07, I know how to run in channel mode.

    My update history is as follows.

    Version 4.3.1 Aug 07

    Version 4.3.3 Jan 00

    Version 5 June 08

    Version 6 Sep 09

    Version 5,1 Sep 09

    Version 6.0.4 Aug 10

    My point is simple. None of these versions is bug free and V 6 was so bad I had to revert to 5.

    A simple, BUG FREE version of software is what I'm suggesting.

    It would be less processing power to run. Be a great entry level version to teach and be much easier to get bug free.

    Congo technical support is excellent by the way, thanks.


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