iRFR-BTS with iPod touch & Congo reconnection Problem

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4



I’m light manager in a french theater named « Le Quai » in Angers.


We are equipped with sevral ETC Congo & Congo Jr. with CongoV6 software Ver 6.0.4


Newly we acquired a iPod touch with the app «iRFR-BTS» Ver 1.0.30 that i easly connected with the congo consoles


But I have an embarrassing problem :


I can open some circuits with the iPod perfectly

For any reason i lose Wifi connection or the iPod goes to sleep

When the connection is restored CongoV6 does not recognize and freeze the iPod field's and create a new ipod field but the last open channels are locked

i have to go to the congo to clear "remote fields"

does it possible to make an update that correct it

for exemple when the reconnection is the ipod resumes its openned fields without clear immediatly it



[edited by: neodyms at 2:21 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Sep 15 2010]
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