triggering a preset without pressing go??

hi all!

i have a little querie about triggering go without pressing go. just wondering if anyone can help!

we have an exhibition on in our smallest venue and what we would like to do is bring up the state (recorded as step 1, preset 1), without anyone being there or having to press go. i have noticed and looked at the time-stamp-code and tiggering the preset via midi, but unfortunatly we lack the luxury of having any midi control in that venue! we would like to know if we could set up a macro then attach a time to it, or attach a time code to it without needing midi?

its not a huge issue or inconvenience that we need to do this straight away, im now just curious as to how and if we can do this.

thanks all!


northern stage, newcastle


  • Hi Claire,

    If you do a rig check (preset 0.5) before the exhibition opens. I'll do a wait time to then bring up step 1, I use this as my lazzzzzzzzy cue when doing show pop before show time and stick a ???min wait time to next presset after you have checked everything is OK, the joy of this is you can just change the wait time to what suits you, but remember you can only have 59min and 59sec on this. Its a quick and easy way and if your crew room is miles away from the desk its great just sit back and watch preset 1 do its self.

    Not sure about your macro question as I've not ventured into this as of yet


    [edited by: cknapper at 6:20 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Aug 31 2007]
  • Hi Claire,

    If you do a rig check (preset 0.5) before the exhibition opens. I'll do a wait time to then bring up step 1, I use this as my lazzzzzzzzy cue when doing show pop before show time and stick a ???min wait time to next presset after you have checked everything is OK, the joy of this is you can just change the wait time to what suits you, but remember you can only have 59min and 59sec on this. Its a quick and easy way and if your crew room is miles away from the desk its great just sit back and watch preset 1 do its self.

    Not sure about your macro question as I've not ventured into this as of yet


    [edited by: cknapper at 6:20 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Aug 31 2007]
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