Strand Files

Is there any way I can convert Strand files to .asc format so that my Congo desk can read them?

I am getting bored of re-plotting every time a show arrives with a Strand disk!

  • Riggwalker:

    Is there any way I can convert Strand files to .asc format so that my Congo desk can read them?

    I am getting bored of re-plotting every time a show arrives with a Strand disk!

    Hi Riggwalker,

    You need to export the Strand showfile to asc format. It is probably  best to contact Tech Support, to find out the best way for you to convert the file. The import works great on shows containing only conventional lights. It imports part cues as channel times. It does work very well.






  • Thanks Florian,

    How are things up there in Leicester? I visited you last year to look at your Congo when I was looking for one for the Grove Theatre here in Dunstable.

    Is the only way to export the file on a strand desk itself?

    Matt (Riggwalker)




  • Hi Matt,

    I am from ETC Germany and have never been in my life to Leicester:-D

    In the moment I am in Moscow organizing Congo seminar and it is raining here...

    I am not sure but I think you can only create ASCII files from Strand consoles using that program



  • Hey everybody,

    I used Showimport by Strand.It works with the Preset, but you must check the times, there are some problems, but no big problems.

    One think is important.Don`t chose ,,import from USB".Only open, Archiv from USB.If you ,,import" the files by ,,importing", you kann not see the channels in the Tracking List.For example..5 CH/ID Track, it opens the Track List, but you will not see any Channels.But if you import your files with open, Archiv, USB,   it will works.By this way, you will see your Channels in the Tracking List.

    This Programm is very comfortable, I used it too, for import show files from Strand GSX to Congo.You must only corect the times, but that`s very easy and fast with the Congo.

    Also you can create ASII format into ssf.Congo to Strand.The Programm is very simple.

    I wish you much fun with the Programm



    [edited by: Scholle at 6:49 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Sep 01 2007] [edited by: Scholle at 6:46 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Sep 01 2007]
  • Sorry wrong Florian, I was thinking of the one ealrlier in the string.

    That link seems to work but only on my old lap top running windows 95! my PC running windows XP doesn't seem to like it

    Thanks again



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