Strand Files

Is there any way I can convert Strand files to .asc format so that my Congo desk can read them?

I am getting bored of re-plotting every time a show arrives with a Strand disk!

  • hi..

    we get strand files all the time, we use showport, from the strand website too, it runs fine on our windows xp, we put the floppy disk with the strand file into the computer, then convert it in showport to asci, then we save it to usb, then put the usb into th congo, and it really doenst take that long either.. about 5mins to do. you should try to get it working.

    it reads presets and used to only read up times, but now with software getting better its reading more things from files. some plotting will need to be done still depending on the size of the show, but we find it a big help!


    northern stage. newcastle

  • Claire,

    did you do any thing different to get it to run on XP? when I tried it the program seemed to work but just stopped at analising (or equivalent) but when I put it into the (old, I could say steam powered) laptop it seems to have worked OK. I have yet to try it in anger as we have a show running and I don't want to spoil it


  • unfortunatly i didnt do anything different! i dont know why it wont run on xp?! i did just download and it worked, i didnt fiddle with any settings or anything! so im sorry i cant help there!



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