Was ist neu in V.4.3.2


seid heute gibt es mal wieder eine Firmware.Was ist neu oder verbessert worden?



  • Hi Thorsten,

    die folgenden Punkte wurden gefixt oder sind neu: (from the release notes for 4.3.2)

    • Master Editor: If you update a preset or a group from the Master Editor, the same
    preset/group loaded to other masters will now be updated (or set to a pending
    state if the master is up).
    • Master View/Master displays: If a master contains unnamed content (Grp) with
    only one channel, this is now displayed as ChXXXX where XXXX is the channel
    • Settings/Masters: New parameter (Exclude masters on Record) to specify if
    masters should be excluded when recording or not. This is to make it easier for
    users coming from consoles where recording in Live doesn’t record master
    • Master Editor: A confirmation message has been added to Update and Record
    • Record selected channels: For consistency, it is now possible to use RECORD &
    CH as well as CH & RECORD to record only the selected channels.
    • RECORD & HOME ATTRIBUTES: Confirmation dialog with warning message
    has been added to clarify what recording home attributes does.
    • UPDATE & A: Update command added for symmetry with RECORD & A.
    • Record: When used without a number, it will now select the first free preset
    number after the last one recorded. Previously, the first free preset number in the
    preset list was suggested.
    • File Write Protection: Changed logic for the write protection warning to allow use
    of network based disks. With some network disks it wasn’t possible to overwrite
    existing files because of owner/user mismatch.
    • Extended Template Library: Updated to V3.3.0.9 with some bug fixes and
    SCR #1097:  UPDATE & @LEVEL: In some cases, random channels were included in
    the update tracking process which cased strange results.
    SCR #1095: Action Macros: MIDI output caused a USB connection problem.
    SCR #1086:  TRACK & SEQ: Allowed changes to levels but didn’t perform the
    changes in the actual presets.
    SCR #1085:  Master Editor: Group recording and updating now behave in the same
    way as record/update in the Group List.
    SCR #1083:  Fader Matching: When using multiple consoles on server/clients, the
    faders (including GM) have to be matched between the consoles to be
    able to control the values. Before, the last moved fader value from any
    console took immediate action.
    SCR #1082:  Channel Views: In some rare situations there was a crash after changing
    screen layouts with multiple Live views on different screens.
    SCR #1081:  Fetch Palette: Fetching for a Palette type caused a crash if there was no
    sequence loaded in the main playback.
    SCR #1077:  DMX Output Setup: It wasn’t possible to assign outputs above 2561 to
    the physical DMX ports. They came out starting at output 1. 
    SCR #1074:  Grandmaster: In some situations, the level of the Grandmaster in the
    application was set to 0% instead of 100% at startup.  
    Ich hoffe das hilft Dir weiter, wenn du das uebersetz brauchst meld dich halt noch mal 


  • Hi Thorsten,

    die folgenden Punkte wurden gefixt oder sind neu: (from the release notes for 4.3.2)

    • Master Editor: If you update a preset or a group from the Master Editor, the same
    preset/group loaded to other masters will now be updated (or set to a pending
    state if the master is up).
    • Master View/Master displays: If a master contains unnamed content (Grp) with
    only one channel, this is now displayed as ChXXXX where XXXX is the channel
    • Settings/Masters: New parameter (Exclude masters on Record) to specify if
    masters should be excluded when recording or not. This is to make it easier for
    users coming from consoles where recording in Live doesn’t record master
    • Master Editor: A confirmation message has been added to Update and Record
    • Record selected channels: For consistency, it is now possible to use RECORD &
    CH as well as CH & RECORD to record only the selected channels.
    • RECORD & HOME ATTRIBUTES: Confirmation dialog with warning message
    has been added to clarify what recording home attributes does.
    • UPDATE & A: Update command added for symmetry with RECORD & A.
    • Record: When used without a number, it will now select the first free preset
    number after the last one recorded. Previously, the first free preset number in the
    preset list was suggested.
    • File Write Protection: Changed logic for the write protection warning to allow use
    of network based disks. With some network disks it wasn’t possible to overwrite
    existing files because of owner/user mismatch.
    • Extended Template Library: Updated to V3.3.0.9 with some bug fixes and
    SCR #1097:  UPDATE & @LEVEL: In some cases, random channels were included in
    the update tracking process which cased strange results.
    SCR #1095: Action Macros: MIDI output caused a USB connection problem.
    SCR #1086:  TRACK & SEQ: Allowed changes to levels but didn’t perform the
    changes in the actual presets.
    SCR #1085:  Master Editor: Group recording and updating now behave in the same
    way as record/update in the Group List.
    SCR #1083:  Fader Matching: When using multiple consoles on server/clients, the
    faders (including GM) have to be matched between the consoles to be
    able to control the values. Before, the last moved fader value from any
    console took immediate action.
    SCR #1082:  Channel Views: In some rare situations there was a crash after changing
    screen layouts with multiple Live views on different screens.
    SCR #1081:  Fetch Palette: Fetching for a Palette type caused a crash if there was no
    sequence loaded in the main playback.
    SCR #1077:  DMX Output Setup: It wasn’t possible to assign outputs above 2561 to
    the physical DMX ports. They came out starting at output 1. 
    SCR #1074:  Grandmaster: In some situations, the level of the Grandmaster in the
    application was set to 0% instead of 100% at startup.  
    Ich hoffe das hilft Dir weiter, wenn du das uebersetz brauchst meld dich halt noch mal 


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