DHCP on Congo?

Does anybody have a quick "how-to" for installing/activating DHCP on the board so computer clients and other software doesn't need an ip adress manually set? I recently had the pleasure of working with the Ion in our new theatre space on campus, and this was already setup so i had no problem connecting the RVI or a client (after solving a particularly weird network issue that still puzzles me) and using DHCP with them.


Running Congo 6.0.4

  • The DHCP Server can be turned on as follows:

    First of all, you will need to be running Congo v5.1.0 or newer - this function is not supported in v4.

    • Exit to System Settings (or choose System Settings from the Welcome screen)
    • Choose the Network tab
    • Turn on "Network Services". *
    • Turn on "Address Server (DHCP)"
    • The Address Server has the following settings:
      • First Address: The first address it should give to a network device.
      • Number of Addresses: The range of addresses it can provide.
      • Subnet Mask: The subnet mask it gives out. Leave at the default unless you know otherwise.
      • Enable Routed Network - Leave this off unless you know it's needed.

    When you've set these up, click "Ok" and the console will ask to be rebooted so it can start these services.

    There are three things to watch out for:

    1. There are two things labelled "DHCP" in the Network tab. One of these is next to the IP address of the Congo itself, and tells the Congo to ask for an IP address - do not tick this!
    2. Ensure that you set First Address and Number of addresses so they don't overlap with any Static IP addresses in the network - you cannot have two devices with the same IP, even if one was typed manually and the other sent automatically.
      The numbers to choose depend on your network, so you'll need to read the documentation for your installation before doing this to choose a suitable range.
    3. Finally, ensure that only one console on the network is an Address (DHCP) Server. If there are two on the network, strange things happen.

    * If you cannot turn Network Services on, then it hasn't yet been installed on your console.
    This is pre-installed on current consoles, but older ones may not have it.

    Go to the ETC website here, download the latest "Net3 Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE)" package (currently 2.0.1) and install it onto your console. This package includes both GCE and ETC Network Services.

    You will need to extract the installer from the ZIP file and put it onto a USB stick - the installer is named something like "ETC_GCE_Net3Svc****.exe".

    You can then use the Update tab in System Settings to install this onto the console. Select the GCE installer from the drop-down box and click Install.
    The installer may ask you whether you are installing onto a console or a normal PC, so ensure that you choose the Console option.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:33 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Oct 24 2010]