Updating the Sequence List in the Live Tab


once I've deleted presets in the Main Sequence (MODIFY PLAYBACK, then select on or more presets, COPY/CUT twice), the list in the Live Tab doesn't get updated. This means, deleted presets still appear in the list.

However, the sequence plays back correctly, but once that point is reached, where I deleted the presets, then the preset numbers in A und B appear in red and the preset text doesn't get displayed any more.

By the way: Re-assigning the sequence with 1 SEQ PLAYBACK doesn't help.

Is that a known issue?



  • Hi Mario -

    This is an interesting way of removing steps from a sequence - not really how we intended it to be used, though. I think because of this, you see what you see.

    When you CUT steps from a sequence they are placed "on the clipboard" since we expect you to then PASTE those cut steps somewhere else - which may be in that same sequence in another location or in another sequence entirely. Using it to delete steps, you end up in the middle of an edit function so the main playback is not updated until those steps are pasted somewhere.

    Are you using CUT in this way to be able to delete many steps at one time?

    At the moment, either you need to delete the steps one at a time, which will update the main playback as you go, or you need to paste those CUT steps somewhere to clear the clipboard and complete the editing command. I will chat with Anders about this next week, though, to see if we can improve this in any way.

    Thanks for the report -


  • Sarah,

    to be honest: Using the CUT command is just a workaround since it's not possible to delete multiple steps using DELETE. So when you have several (consecutive) steps selected and press DELETE only the first of those gets deleted.

    Maybe it's more important to improve the DELETE command, then I'll not gonna use the CUT command anymore ;-)


  • Hi Mario,

    We are planning to improve Delete to work this way.


  • Hi all,

    since I just came by this topic again today (deleting multiple palettes from the spreadsheet view [MODIFY FOCUS]), I am quite sure that deleting multiple items will be improved for any spreadsheets. ;-)

    Also (and I am not sure, if this on the wishlist already): I would be really cool if you could select items in spreadsheets the same way as you do with your computer: SHIFT DOWN-ARROW already selects consecutive items, so CMD-SPACE (or CMD-CLICK) would select muliple items that are not necessarily consecutive.

    All the best,


    [edited by: mdaszenies at 4:43 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 8 2010]