Dear all,

A)I am trying to learn the logic of Congo can you please tell me how do I mark some moving lights ??

eg : I have my moving lights in a Color and a Focus position to preset 2 and I want them to have that attributes without intensity in preset 1 without using Go In B from the system settings, I do not want to use Go in B function because if one of this lights is 100 intensity in preset 1 and i want to see the movement as soon as I press Go in Preset 1 it starts to move because Preset to is being loaded to B?

B) I want to execute a second sequence that i have been loaded to a master from my main sequence list 

and then at some point to stop it also.

eg: I want as soon as I press Go to my main playback in preset 1 to execute a go for my preset 1 from a sequence that i have been loaded to master 10 and then as soon as i press go  to my main playback in preset 12 to stop and release the sequence that i have been loaded to master 10(is that possible with master link or i have to create a macro and what this macro would be)?

Thanks in advance,


  • A) I think you are looking for Auto Mark. This will move the fixtures at the end of the fade to the position needed for B if they are at zero intensity. If they are above zero, they don't move. They will use the time from the 'destination' Preset, in case you want them to move faster/slower.
    - This feature is often called "Move-While-Dark".

    B) This function is indeed a "Master Link". You can make them as follows:

    • Goto the step where the Master should move to 100%
    • Ensure that the Master is at 0%, and contains the sequence (or other content) that you want.
    • [Insert] & [Master_key] - This creates a link, and defaults it to 100%
    • Goto the step where the Master should move to 0%
    • [Insert] & [Master_key] - This creates another link.

    Now if you look at the Sequence - [Modify] & [Main_Playback] - you will see that there is now something in the Master Link cell for these two steps.

    If you hit [Modify] on these, you will see what the Master Links are going to do - which Sequence they will ensure is loaded, the level they will take the Master to etc.
    You can also edit, insert and delete the links here as required.

  • Thanks Richard,


    This was really helpful... Where I should report two bugs that I have found using this software??  I repeat them a couple of times and i wrote down exactly what is happening and how i do it..




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