Version 4.3.2 - "Update or not update that is the question"

Hi all,

I have updated my Congo last week to 4.3.2 and it seems to be more stable and bugs fixed, Im personally happy with this new release.

My question is, releases are sent out to sort problems and fix bugs so I up date my Congo as soon as these come out, but other people I know wait to see if its OK. How many of you update as releases come out or do you stick with a version you know that works for you.

Just chucking this out as ETC are working very hard to keep the console up to date all the time and people are not taking advantage of all there hard work when updates are released. I have a other lighting desk at my other venue and theres been no update for around 10 mths now and there are loads of bugs on this console.

Thanks and keep up the hard work ETC, looking forward to the next big realise !!!!

Thanks Carl

[edited by: cknapper at 7:20 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Sep 11 2007]
  • As a general rule, I update as soon as the release comes out---unless it comes out after a show has opened.  If it is during a run (anywhere from one weekend to four weeks in our house), I read through the release notes and play with it on the off-line editor to see if it fixes bugs or just enhances programming.  I don't want any major changes after training board ops, so I won't update with major releases until between shows, but will update if it doesn't really change the syntax of running the show. 

    J. R.

  • I will update minor tweaks immediately--v 4.3.0 to v4.3.1, for instance.

    In instances of a major update--4.2.1 to 4.3.0--I will wait until the schedule slows down and/or other users report in. My venue gets a lot of one-night gigs--single performance concerts w/little-to-no prep or rehearsal time--so if an issue crops up for one night it's a whole client's worth of grief on a tight schedule.  When I went from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 I had some stability issues, including disabled Backup Sync, so I knocked it back to 4.1.2 and waited for 4.2.1 to come out, which I installed immediately. Thus my updating preferences are based on my own experience, of course--your mileage may vary, probably for the better.

    I would like to use my 2nd Congo as a 'tester' for software updates, but it's in a blackbox space with a few dozen static lights so the programming experience isn't the same as the main desk's moving rig.
