Offline instalation faild (SLP)


When I try to install Congo Offline (ver 6.0.4), Windows show me this massege:

"InstallShield was unable to install the 'Service Location Protocol' service."

It's Win XP Pro SP3. Microsoft framework installed.

I have no idea what's wrong becous in my other computer everything works fine. I even connect Congo with Wyg on it without any problems. Now, I both new PC especially for this and... suprise.

Any ideas what's wrong?


  • Hey Mack,

    You're not alone. I saw this message last week when I was trying to setup an old laptop running Windows XP Pro. While my first inclination is to tell you to make certain everything is up to date, I seem to remember the problem being resolved only after I right-clicked on the installer and did some magic.

    I wish I could remember exactly what I clicked on, either on the right-click menu or in the properties box. It was something to the effect of telling Windows to unblock the installer, possibly related to Windows Firewall. The problem appeared to be that the default Windows security settings were blocking some portion of the installer from doing it's job.

    Right-click on the installer icon and see if you can find an option like I've described. If you don't find it, right-click on the icon and go to Properties, and then check around in the different tabs of the Properties tabs for something that looks like what I've described.

    I'll be in front of the PC I encountered this problem on tomorrow, so I'll try to retrace my steps and see what exactly what it was I had to select.

    Give what I've suggested a try and see if you can get the Offline Editor to install properly, and let us know how it goes.


    [edited by: mnicolai at 7:41 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Dec 10 2010]
  • Hey Mack,

    You're not alone. I saw this message last week when I was trying to setup an old laptop running Windows XP Pro. While my first inclination is to tell you to make certain everything is up to date, I seem to remember the problem being resolved only after I right-clicked on the installer and did some magic.

    I wish I could remember exactly what I clicked on, either on the right-click menu or in the properties box. It was something to the effect of telling Windows to unblock the installer, possibly related to Windows Firewall. The problem appeared to be that the default Windows security settings were blocking some portion of the installer from doing it's job.

    Right-click on the installer icon and see if you can find an option like I've described. If you don't find it, right-click on the icon and go to Properties, and then check around in the different tabs of the Properties tabs for something that looks like what I've described.

    I'll be in front of the PC I encountered this problem on tomorrow, so I'll try to retrace my steps and see what exactly what it was I had to select.

    Give what I've suggested a try and see if you can get the Offline Editor to install properly, and let us know how it goes.


    [edited by: mnicolai at 7:41 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Dec 10 2010]
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