Offline instalation faild (SLP)


When I try to install Congo Offline (ver 6.0.4), Windows show me this massege:

"InstallShield was unable to install the 'Service Location Protocol' service."

It's Win XP Pro SP3. Microsoft framework installed.

I have no idea what's wrong becous in my other computer everything works fine. I even connect Congo with Wyg on it without any problems. Now, I both new PC especially for this and... suprise.

Any ideas what's wrong?


  • There is an option "Run as > admin" (something like this, I have polish windows so I'm not shure about transletion) which allows you to open installer from administor level. I also turned off firewall and changed shere options to full controll for all users. Still nothing...

    File, which seems to be responsible for Service Location Protocol is located in WINDOWS/System32/slpd.exe but there is no way to run it (alert: wrong configuration).

    I also tried this: ... /8412.aspx - no result.

    Then I installed Windows Vista and problem disappeared. I have brand new PC with motherboard compatible with Windows 7. Maybe there is some hardvere problem with XP...

    Certainly I don't want to use Vista so please let me know if you remind, what magic you've done;)


  • It sounds like the SLP service may have already been running when you tried to install Congo v6.0.4

    SLP is used by Congo, Eos Family and GCE, so installing any of those will also install SLP.

    Some of the older installers set SLP to start up when you booted the machine - this makes it a bit difficult to install the other software, (and updates), so it's now configured to run 'on demand'.

    SLP itself can't be run by double-clicking the file, it's installed as a Windows Service.

    To sort this out:

    Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Look for "Service Location Protocol".
    "Stop" the service, then right-click on it, choose "Properties" and set the "Startup Type" to "Manual".

    Then try to re-install Congo v6.0.4, and you should be ok.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:39 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Dec 12 2010]
  • Well, ok but there is no such thing as "service location protocol" in services.msc on my PC. However, I have found it on my old computer with exactly the same operating system. How it's possible... I have no idea.

    I looked for it on few others computers and just one of them have it.

    Now I'm not sure if this problem is connected with Congo application in any way. I'll let you know if i find  it out.


  • Mack, If you don't have SLP installed on your machine after you've run the Congo installer, something is probably blocking its installation.  Is it possible for your account to be granted Administrator rights on your PC rather than needing to do things like "Run as Admin"?  I suspect the lack of administrator rights or some security software that is refusing to allow the service installation.

  • Mack, If you don't have SLP installed on your machine after you've run the Congo installer, something is probably blocking its installation.  Is it possible for your account to be granted Administrator rights on your PC rather than needing to do things like "Run as Admin"?  I suspect the lack of administrator rights or some security software that is refusing to allow the service installation.

  • I am an administrator on this computer and it's a new operating system, without any anytvirus or something like this. I checked "run as/ admin" option like many others becouse... I got to the point when I try everything.

    In the worst case I will stay with Windows Vista (Congo is working but I'm curious what will hapen when I try to connect Congo with Wysiwyg on it. I hope there is something about it on forum) or try Win7 maybe. As I said at the beginning - this PC is bought especially for Congo/Wyg connection so there is no way to give up.

    Thanks for your willingness to help. I finally signet up on this Forum and this is the biggest advantage of this whole situation.


  • SLP is only used for ACN, so you don't need it to use Congo Offline with Wysiwyg.

    Your fault is quite odd, as I've not seen this before under a fresh install of XP.

  • I saw the exact same thing when I was setting up my client laptop with XP SP3 two weeks ago. I let Windows Update run its course several times, installed the latest .NET Framework package, installed DirectX, and probably installed a couple other things while I was at it.

    Eventually I did a Run As Admin and at the same point in time I did something that produced a dialog box saying that Windows needed me to first unblock part of the installer application.

    I threw enough spaghetti at the wall and after several install attempts that failed with that error message about SLP, I did manage to successfully install the application.

  • So you had more luck then me, Mike;)

    Maybe I'll try again after christmas break. Now I have Windows7 with Gongo and Wyg connected by ETCNet2 protocol and i'ts working fine. Almost Fine. I grew up on WinNT 4.0 so all that animated hocus-pocus consuming 20% RAM makes me rage... But, this is the future, right?
