Congo jr - Use of level wheel to scrool in lists

The level wheel does not work in all instances to scroll quickly from top to bottom or vice versa from bottom to top in combination with the down or up arrow.  Can this be amended?


Parents Reply Children
  • For instance to travel down the Device list in Import Template Wizard, When moving down the Parameter column in the U key setup.



  • Hi Orri -

    Essentially, you mean within the drop-down menus, correct? Unfortunately, this is a limitation based on the combination of the drop-down menu object in the software and the design of the facepanel and how it communicates to the Congo software. On Congo Sr, it looks like it works, but in reality the arrow key is being "auto repeated" while you hold it down, like on a normal keyboard in a word processor (press and hold the "r" key and you see "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...".) The wheel is not actually doing the speed scroll as it does in table cells. On Congo jr the facepanel is designed differently and cannot perform the auto-repeat function, so you have to either tap the arrow key repeatedly or use the mouse.

    Sorry -


  • There is also a "First Letter" shortcut - if you press a keyboard letter in any of those dropdown lists, it jumps to the next item that starts with that letter.

    So P will get you Pan etc.
