DMX address and Universe in Congo Server


Can any body explain me please,  a congo light server uses DMX address in the form of 1.1, where first letter is DMX address and second letter is DMX universe. 

Generally in another lighting desks, we need to fix this addresses on the fixtures connected to it. But in one of the installations,I found that the CONGO DMX address and universe are different from the unit DMX and universe.

How is it possible?

Thanks in advance


  • This is most likely the Universe Map.

    Congo can map each of the 'internal, console' universes (1-12) to any of the external, network universes.

    This allows transportable show files in multi-venue systems, for example one could have a TV studio site with multiple studios all on the same network, each studio having its own set of Universes. The console for Studio 1 has its console universes mapped to the Studio 1 network universes (eg 1-10), Studio 2 is mapped to studio 2 (eg 20-30) etc.

    As the show file doesn't record the network mapping, if you need to move a production from one studio to another you don't have to change anything, just load the same showfile on the other console. (Assuming the DMX addressing on the actual fixtures is unchanged)

  • Thank you very much Richard for your quick response.

    Just one clarification. It is not just the Universe but the DMX address is also different. For example 361.1 is controlling DMX address 10 on universe 34 and 364.1 is controlling DMX address 20 on universe 34.

    Is this also part of  maping?

    If so, where is this explained in the user manual?

    Thanks in Advance


  • No, this isn't part of mapping. Mapping only reassigns entire Universes, and can't alter the DMX addresses themselves.

    Can you please send the showfile and an indication of which channel(s) are showing this to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com so we can have a look?

    My guess is that the issue is actually documentation of the rig itself. It seems likely that somebody updated the addresses of the fixtures in reality and in the showfile (eg the fixtures were connected up differently to original expectation), but you have a version of the rig documentation from before that change.

  • I sent a sample file to the email address.


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