Congo JR and DMX

Hi everyone.

When I shutdown  the Congo JR (always using the POWER OFF) some projectors light up. For me isn't a problem because on my theatre we normally  shutdown the dimmers after the shutdown of the console but I'm on tour and every time I do the shutdown some projectors light up. If I forget (wich it's almost every time) to remove the DMX cable of the console I've got to power on again the console to bring every off and then remove the cable and shutdown the console.

Why this still happen to me??? I've got the lasted version of Congo install but this happens since the begin of Congo Jr and only with this consoles. We've got 3 and everyone do this.

  • Hey there,



    I have an Expression 3 with three Strand CD80sv racks in my PAC. This would on occasion happen to me where a random Dimmer would come up. When you say projector do you mean a moving light?, or an actual Office type projector?



    I would suggest you read this: setting the Grandmaster(or the B.O. Button) to zero before powering off the console.


    If that doesn't work, I would check with the Projector. Depending on what you mean when you say projector, It could have a "Fade to preset" type thing when it losses a DMX signal. If it is an Office type projector, what is the video Source from?(Like a media server)




  • Hey there,



    I have an Expression 3 with three Strand CD80sv racks in my PAC. This would on occasion happen to me where a random Dimmer would come up. When you say projector do you mean a moving light?, or an actual Office type projector?



    I would suggest you read this: setting the Grandmaster(or the B.O. Button) to zero before powering off the console.


    If that doesn't work, I would check with the Projector. Depending on what you mean when you say projector, It could have a "Fade to preset" type thing when it losses a DMX signal. If it is an Office type projector, what is the video Source from?(Like a media server)




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