Windows 7 and Congo Jr.


I know that at this time it's silly this question but why can't I connect my PC with Windows 7 32bits to a Congo Jr. console??? Normally I use an old laptop with Windows XP SP2 and never had a problem to use the WYSIWYG as a visualizer but with, an almost, new PC with WINDOWS 7 I can see or use a network between the Console and the PC so I can't use the WYSIWYG.


It's the IPX problem??? What I have to do to link the console to the laptop(Windows 7)???

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Jeff -

    There is no fix as IPX is the way to have bidirectional communication with visualizers and Windows no longer supports the protocol. To use the other network protocols, you simply need to enable one in the Congo (in the System Settings, Protocols tab) and then make sure that the visualizer also has that protocol enabled - you will need to consult the user documentation of the visualization software. If bidirectional use is important, I suggest keeping a computer at Windows XP for that purpose.


    Thanks -


