Converting Congo files to Strand files

Is it possible to convert a Congo file to a file that will run on a Strand 520i?  If so, how exactly would I go about it?



  • Hi Louise,

    Congo show files are ASCII show files. You can save a copy of the show from Congo and use Strand's Offline Editor programs to read the ASCII show file and convert it to the proper file for the 520i.

    Because the two consoles are different in their implementation of data, only the basic information such as patch and preset data may be transferred. Check your show file after the conversion on your 520i to make sure that you have what you need before going into a show critical situation.

  • Hi Louise,

    Congo show files are ASCII show files. You can save a copy of the show from Congo and use Strand's Offline Editor programs to read the ASCII show file and convert it to the proper file for the 520i.

    Because the two consoles are different in their implementation of data, only the basic information such as patch and preset data may be transferred. Check your show file after the conversion on your 520i to make sure that you have what you need before going into a show critical situation.

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