open expert play with 4.3.2

This morning, I have discover that I can't read an Expert Paly since I have upgraded the 4.3.2 version !!

I have try with 4.3.0 version with my powerbook but this function not run. 

  • We haven't changed anything in the Expert play import in a long time. Therefore, I have some questions...

    What version did you have before you installed 4.3.2?

    What is happening when you try to import the Expert file?

    What is happening when you run the Mac version of 4.3.0?

  • * What version did you have before you installed 4.3.2?

     Before 4.3.2, there is 4.3.1 It is a new congo junior from Avab France. I have just installed 4.3.2 downloaded from ETC web site.

    I have tried with my  laptop PC too and with my congo junior all on 4.3.2 there is a same result : nothing.

    I used this function in 2007 february at last ; maybe 4.2.1 release or 4.2.0, I don't remember me exactly. 


    * What is happening when you try to import the Expert file?

     in browser when I try to open Floppy disk, it happen nothing. before, sometimes I must try 1 or 2 things but at the end I alway import expert play

    Congo does not try to read on floppy, the led does not work, the tree menu Browser mask the contents "files menu" the hourglass does not appear on the screen.

    I can export expert diskette but after I can't read this. On windows explorer, I can see expert.pla in floppy disk. I have 2 differents floppy disk an a lot of diskette for the test but with Mac PowerPC mac os 10.3.9 with software 4.3.0 it does not run,
    on laptop PC Win XP pro SP2 : 4.3.2 doen't run
    On my Congo Junior, it is the same.

    What is happening when you run the Mac version of 4.3.0?

    Nothing like there is nothing in the diskette 

    [edited by: pilou at 11:51 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Sep 28 2007]
  • There are several diffirent issues here, I think.

    Reading Expert diskettes with the Mac version isn't possible. The Expert import requires some Windows only utilities.

    How do you read a diskette in a Congo Jr? There is no floppy drive...

    However, there seems to be a problem in discovering the EXPERT.PLA file name on the diskette due to a change in the general file name matching logi that we changed a few versions ago. This will be fixed in 4.3.3.

  • congo junior made like there is no flopyy drive (I have got it of course !)

    for reading expert diskette, from browser, open, diskette but congo do nothing. If I export expert diskette, after, congo don't want to read it.

    I have tried converttoASC.exe with my expert Diskette with PC, I already can have an Asc version and I have opened it with my congo.


    If you want, I can send you my expert play if you need it. 

    [edited by: pilou at 5:49 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 01 2007] [edited by: pilou at 5:01 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 01 2007]
  • congo junior made like there is no flopyy drive (I have got it of course !)

    for reading expert diskette, from browser, open, diskette but congo do nothing. If I export expert diskette, after, congo don't want to read it.

    I have tried converttoASC.exe with my expert Diskette with PC, I already can have an Asc version and I have opened it with my congo.


    If you want, I can send you my expert play if you need it. 

    [edited by: pilou at 5:49 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 01 2007] [edited by: pilou at 5:01 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 01 2007]
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