ATI Cards and Congo Editor

Does the latest version of Congo Offline Editor still have the Graphics Card incompadibility with ATI cards? I' m having a problem on one of my boxes after chanign out its nVidia card for an ATI one, and i was wondering if this was a docuemnted thing or ont.
  • Unfortunately ATI generally doesn't "play nice", especially in OpenGL. (It's better at DirectX 9c, although I prefer nVidia for this as well)

    However, we did think we'd sorted this out, except for Capture which is still a bit odd on certain ATI cards.

    The first things to check will be that you've completely got rid of the nVidia drivers, and that you're using the most up-to-date ATI drivers.
    - I believe that ATI have now moved to a single unified driver for most of their cards, which should make this easier!

    It's usually best to use the drivers available from ATI themselves rather than the version that came with the card, as these drivers tend to go through revisions rather quickly!

  • [img=]

    This is right from a fresh Windows install,  so i know that i don't have non-ATI drivers, but hardware and all programs running have the same configurations.

    Anyway, i cant wait till we have an off line version for working on Vista, since thats where I'm doing about 80% of my work on now that i have a new laptop.

  • This is a very strange error message that I haven't seen before. I wonder if it could be a problem with the Online Help Database that is using some .NET services.

    You might want to try to start congo.exe with the /NOHELP parameter. Make a shortcut that contains something like this:

            congo.exe /NOHELP

    This will start without the help engine to see if that improves anything.

    PS. We are working on the Vista compatible version and it is going through testing in the next weeks.


  • And now we have three more error messages.

    2 .NET errors 

    Dump File Error 

    Should i email the recover file or different files to somebody at ETC, since this time it generated one? 

  • Just to make sure I understand the whole problem: You had Congo offline running on the same computer with the nVidia card and then it stopped working when you changed to the Ati based board?

    (You could try sending the dmp file but I am not sure if this brings much since there seems to be other problems (the first two error messages) before the controlled crash.)


  • Just to make sure I understand the whole problem: You had Congo offline running on the same computer with the nVidia card and then it stopped working when you changed to the Ati based board?

    (You could try sending the dmp file but I am not sure if this brings much since there seems to be other problems (the first two error messages) before the controlled crash.)

