Making the switch to Congo

Hi everyone-

 I'm a senior at the Hamilton High School Academy of Music in Los Angeles, CA.  The Colortran board in our 600 seat house died over the summer.  We've ordered a Congo Jr., which should be here in a couple months.  I first learned to program on ETC boards in the Express/Expression family and still do regularly.  How hard has it been for others of you to make the switch to the new platform?  Does it at all resemble the platform of any other major consoles out there today?  Any general tips for making the switch? 

  • Matt -

    Congo's programming syntax is indeed different than the Expression family of consoles.  However, Congo's syntax derives from a long line of  AVAB consoles, primariarly in Europe and Canada. The AVAB programming Syntax has been around for some time. 

    As with any new lighting console there is a learning curve.  The more time you have to play with the desk prior to cueing a show the better.

    I spent about 12 years programming on Expression sytle desks, and about 6 years programming on the HOGII platform, prior to Joining ETC.

    Congo is different, hoever I find I rather like the syntax and am finding my self getting more proficiant every day.  I can't urge you enough to play around with the software and get as much exposure to it prior to being in a show enviornment.  

    The offline software is available for download it on yor PC or MAC. Download and install, and see what you think. 

    I hope you enjoy your desk a much and I like mine and let us konw if you have any questsions.

    Happy Congoing!

    -Ben Smith 

  • Matt -

    Congo's programming syntax is indeed different than the Expression family of consoles.  However, Congo's syntax derives from a long line of  AVAB consoles, primariarly in Europe and Canada. The AVAB programming Syntax has been around for some time. 

    As with any new lighting console there is a learning curve.  The more time you have to play with the desk prior to cueing a show the better.

    I spent about 12 years programming on Expression sytle desks, and about 6 years programming on the HOGII platform, prior to Joining ETC.

    Congo is different, hoever I find I rather like the syntax and am finding my self getting more proficiant every day.  I can't urge you enough to play around with the software and get as much exposure to it prior to being in a show enviornment.  

    The offline software is available for download it on yor PC or MAC. Download and install, and see what you think. 

    I hope you enjoy your desk a much and I like mine and let us konw if you have any questsions.

    Happy Congoing!

    -Ben Smith 

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