Making the switch to Congo

Hi everyone-

 I'm a senior at the Hamilton High School Academy of Music in Los Angeles, CA.  The Colortran board in our 600 seat house died over the summer.  We've ordered a Congo Jr., which should be here in a couple months.  I first learned to program on ETC boards in the Express/Expression family and still do regularly.  How hard has it been for others of you to make the switch to the new platform?  Does it at all resemble the platform of any other major consoles out there today?  Any general tips for making the switch? 

  • I'm primarily an Express/Expression system programmer for about 15 years now, have done thousands of shows of all varieties on one ETC console or another. I've used plenty of other consoles now and then, but nothing else regularly.

    I took an 8-hour class at LDI last October from Sarah and Ulf on the Congo.

    By the end of the class, I was faster at programming on a Congo than I am on an Express. I think it was about an hour into the class that it suddenly became much easier to understand.

    The syntax is a little weird at first, but you'll pick it up faster than you expect. If you can get to a training class, definitely take advantage of that. As Sarah might tell you, one of the best things to do to learn the console is, once you're somewhat comfortable with it, stop using the trackball. Don't let yourself use it at all, just use the keys and tabbing and so on to navigate, and you'll find you end up much faster than using a trackball or mouse for navigation.

    I'm back on an Express at my home theatre and just about every show I think about how much easier something would be on the Congo... I'm just waiting on the funds to get here so I can order my new Congo... looks like I might get it this summer. :)  

  • Thanks to everyone who responded to my initial post.  At this point I am confident that the Congo Jr. will be the perfect console for our house once it arrives.  Based on the response to this forum, especially from educators, I have no concern about learning the new platform.  For now, us at Hamilton High are waiting for paperwork to pass through the school district so we can place the purchase order.  I can only hope it happens before I graduate and head off to a college with something less than a Congo Jr.  Even if they don't, any ETC board is fine by me.  Thank you to ETC for creating these forums, and good luck to all congo users out there. 

     May my next forum post be a question about operating the board.


  • Thanks to everyone who responded to my initial post.  At this point I am confident that the Congo Jr. will be the perfect console for our house once it arrives.  Based on the response to this forum, especially from educators, I have no concern about learning the new platform.  For now, us at Hamilton High are waiting for paperwork to pass through the school district so we can place the purchase order.  I can only hope it happens before I graduate and head off to a college with something less than a Congo Jr.  Even if they don't, any ETC board is fine by me.  Thank you to ETC for creating these forums, and good luck to all congo users out there. 

     May my next forum post be a question about operating the board.

