Inverting Parameters

Hello, and nice greetings from vienna,

I got a question about inverting parameters on the congo console.
I got 10 Mac Prof., 5 on each side of the stage, so I want that they move all to the middle or to the outside.

My question is:

Why can´t I just invert the Parameters in the Device settings???? If I invert the parameters in the device settings, then just the values are inverted-->
movinglight 1 on the left side Pan 70 Tilt 30 crossing the middle, movinglight 2 on the right side Pan 30 Tilt 70 on the wall of the venue, if Pan is inverted at movinglight 2 and I just align ML2 from ML1!!!!

But I want to align ML2 and have nearly the same position like ML1, if I focus ML1 cross (means over the middle of the stage), so I want to align Pan/Tilt from ML1 to ML2, so that they have both Pan 70 Tilt 30 and on stage I would have them crosslighted.
So I have do make copies of the Template, rename it like Inverted MAC Prof., invert then Pan in the template and assign it to for example to all ML on the left or the right side.
Why do I have do copy the template and make a template inverted, why this is not the function of the device settings??????
That means if I have to Invert Pan at one ML and Tilt at another, I must copy the template 3 or more times and assign it in the device settings to the ML´s, which needs to be inverted??!?!?!!!

Please tell me what is the use of invert Pan or Tilt in the device settings, because for me it seems like a bug. I see no use for inverting values of a ML!!
Thanks, and I hope you understand my english.

  • hello Roman

     Congo is not like whole hog for exemple, Invert PAN or invert tilt is only for invert control pan/tilt Wheel, if you want pan= tilt and tilt= pan use swap.

    So in whole hog if you invert parameter ML, it position move to the opposite position but not with congo, it is like this.

    I prefer that ML change it position when I invert parameter but invert choice is made when you start your show so it is not a big problem you make your cues after this.

    It's a problem when you open an old show and ML are not install like when you make the show, invert pan or tilt can't help you to update your positions, you must do them again.

    I have got the same problem last summer with my congo junior and VL2500. 

    It would be very nice if in the next release, invert pan an tilt invert control wheel AND position like Hog it is better for touring shows.


    best regard


  • Hello Pilou,

    May be I wasn´t clear enough, 
    I don´t want to swap the parameters, I just want Panl going to the middle or to the outside.
    And yes, I start the configuration yesterday, so the programming will start on friday,so you are right it isn´t a big problem I have still time.
    But why do I have do copy the template: for example

    Device Settings 
    Ch.        Device       adress            Pan invert         Tilt invert           swapPan/Tilt
    601        MAC.Prof    1.3                     √
    602        MAC.Prof    24.3
    603        MAC.Prof    48.3                   √
    604        MAC.Prof    72.3
    and so on

    If I make it here, it is useless, so my solution.....

    Device Settings 
    Ch.        Device                           adress            Pan invert         Tilt invert           swapPan/Tilt
    601        inverted Pan MAC.Prof    1.3                 <---- I copied the template and inverted the Pan in the Template and assigned it                    602        MAC.Prof                      24.3
    603        inverted Pan MAC.Prof   48.3                <---- I copied the template and inverted the Pan in the Template and assigned it    
    604        MAC.Prof                      72.3

    But what´s the reason for invert Pan or Tilt in the Device settings.
    I don´t understand, but I would like do!

    Thank you for the anwser and best regards,

  • Hi,

    When you change invert on Pan or Tilt or Both you must hit HOME on that device after you have changed it for this to take affect. This is good to have it in the device setting because if your like us you rig changes loads and movers are in diffrent postions, if you delete and add a device you have to check that all you FCB groups pallets are still correct and no changes have been made, so you change Pan and Tilt in device setting to suit where your device is without changing anything eles in your settings.

     Hope this helps if not sorry :)


    [edited by: cknapper at 7:43 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 03 2007] [edited by: cknapper at 7:42 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 03 2007]