Sequence and preset lists

Can I suggest that in future update sequence, preset and GoTo lists open up, focused on the preset that is active in the main playback.


  • Thanks for the suggestion.

    There is a problem with the suggestion for the Sequence and Preset lists. The sequence in a sequence list isn't necessarily bound to any playback or it can be active in multiple playbacks at the same time. The same goes for the preset. This is why we don't pre-position these lists.

    To overcome this, there is a special command, MODIFY & PLAYBACK. If you use this command, you'll get the sequence list positioned at the current preset in the main playback. From there you can easily open the related preset editor.

    Regarding the Goto list, we haven't considered pre-positioning it since we assumed that you want to go somewhere else anyway. Maybe we should change this.

  • Anders Ekvall said:

    Regarding the Goto list, we haven't considered pre-positioning it since we assumed that you want to go somewhere else anyway. Maybe we should change this.


    At least I use the Goto List to go to a few steps back/forward from where I am. So you just had to scroll up or down a few lines.

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