Content Effects


I know that might be a silly question at this time but I'm trying to use a Content Effect with 5 steps plus "0" and I've got 2 questions.

Why can't we delete the first step "0" on the Content???

How can I use a Dynamic Template on one of the 3 Content that are in every step??? I'm using the Color Palette, the Beam Palette and I'd like to use the Dynamic template 1 and 4 on differents steps of the Content effect but I don't see nothing happen with the dinamic. Why is there an "*" after DynTemplate??? what that "*" means?? cause it appears on more things in the Content column.


Best regards

  • To answer your first question:
    Step 0 is the Background Step used in Break effects, therefore it cannot be deleted.

  • On your second question, what are you trying to do?

    Dynamic Templates are attributes of the Dynamic Effect Playbacks and don't exist in any real fixtures. Therefore, setting values for those in a Content Effect will only affect Dynamic Effect Playbacks and cannot (directly) affect real fixtures.

    The "Content" in a Content Effect directly controls the attributes of the Channels and/or Effects chosen by the attributes of the Effect Playback when it's playing.

    The "*" at the end of several attributes denotes the special attributes that are only used by Effect Playbacks. They are shown in the Content Effect editors as Effects are able to control Effect Playbacks.
    - For example, one could create an effect that fades a Dynamic Effect Playback that's playing a Circle> on some fixtures up and down to create a 'pulsing' circle effect.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:52 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, May 16 2011]