3 screens on Congo Junior


I work with my personal congo junior and use media server Modul8 (apple plateforme)

I use 2 sequences but I need a 3rd screen to display my 2 playbacks and Live wondo, and maybe Attrib + effects.

Is it possible to use a Matrox Dualhead to extend the displays to 3 screens ?

PS : The 6.1 option for master playback is wonderful !!





  • Hi Pilou -

    I've never heard of this box but it looks interesting. As such, we have not tested it, and cannot say whether it would work at all, or if it would cause any "bad things" to happen when connected to your console. If you were to call tech support and this thing were connected, it is very likely they would tell you to disconnect it. However, it is an external device, so you could give it a try if you like. But there are no guarantees from us that it would work at all or that it would not affect your system in a bad way.

    A client laptop might be a better way to do this?

    Thanks much -


  • The Matrox Dualhead or TriplHeadToGo will split a single monitor onto more than one screen, but they will not give you an independently managed third monitor.

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