Importing Effects

Hi everyone,

when putting several choreographies together into one show, I normally import the main sequence into my new show and everything's done.

Now I have a choreography that uses a lot of effects (dynamic effect on effect playbacks), which are not imported into my new show. Is there a way of importing those fx along the main sequence just as the presets are imported automatically?



  • …trying to bring this on topic again…


    The workaround for now is:

    _Open the original file and look for effects

    _Write down all the parameters on paper

    _Open the new file and

    _Re-do all the parameters based on the notes.

    As you might understand, this is VERY time consuming.


    Thanks, Mario

  • Hi Mario -

    Effects are just like channels. How are you placing the effects onto the masters? Directly as effect playbacks or are you recording them into presets with base values in them? I would recommend storing the effects into presets, or the combinations of settings for those effects into palettes, which you can then import into your new show file. As with any other channel you only control manually, there is no data stored in the show that can be imported into other show files. Only recorded data can be imported.

    Does that help?


    Thanks much -


  • Hi Sarah,

    I don't have Effects on Masters. They are recalled (Intensity and Parameters) by Presets in a Sequence.

    The original Presets contain the information about the parameters. They just don't import into my new show.

    Btw: Also, the Effect Playback don't import. I have to create them manually all the time.

    Thanks, Mario

  • Hi Mario,

    Have you tried to create the Effect Playbacks before you import the presets that refers to the effects? I think that if the proper effect devices are there, the effect parameter data should be included. 


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