Hello all -
After an extensive period of testing in the lab and in the field, we are happy to announce the release of Congo v6.1 software for Congo, Congo jr, Congo Kid, Congo Light Server and the Net3 Remote Video Interface (RVI) as well as Congo Client (PC) and Congo Offline (PC and Mac).
New features include new color handling, a new color dock containing a new higher-resolution color picker with the ability to show color gamut for calibrated fixtures, and generally better rendition of colors when using the gel picker. We have also improved master settings to make them clearer, and to split intensity and non-intensity functions between faders and keys in a more logical way. We have also added a new master type - the "dual fader" master - which can be used to combine two master playbacks as crossfader pair for manual and/or timed sequence playback.
This release contains significant performance optimizations including new file handling behavior making reading and saving show files much faster and many "under the hood" improvements that significantly reduce "hour-glassing" overall. Additionally, this release officially supports client and backup system configurations that include the new Congo Kid console.
ETC strongly recommends the update of Congo family products to version 6.1 as soon as production schedules allow. All devices in the system must be running the same software version - consoles, backups, clients, RVIs, offline computers. The software can be downloaded here, and the release note can be downloaded here, and the new user manual can be downloaded here. Macintosh users can download Congo Offline for Mac here.
Thanks much -