Mac 350 Entour in fixture library?


Was just wondering if the standard library has the Mac 350 Entour in it........ I haven't got the desk in front of me at the moment and so can't have a look! I think we're running software 6.0.4 if that helps.....



Parents Reply
  • Hi there -

    You can IMPORT the template from the v6.1 showfile attached to this reply. Do not attempt to open this show file in a v6.0.4 or earlier version of software as it will not open and the console will have a handled crash (because files saved in a newer version cannot be opened by an older version).

    I understand not wanting to update directly before a show, however we highly recommend updating to v6.1 as soon as you can as it contains significant performance and stability fixes/enhancements.

    Have fun and good luck with your show!

    Thanks -

