editing attributes in tracklist

Hi all together,

My question is about the tracklist editing attributes of more then one device in one preset. 

I select the channel, i.e. 5 channel with scroller, fan and speed, press TRACK & PRESET and see the tracklist. Then I press FORMAT & Softkey for the Scroller Fan, so I will see a second colum next to the intensity of each device displaying  the value for the fan.

Now I want to change to fan-value in one preset to zero. So I move the selected square to the first device-fan, hold the SELECT and move with the cousor buttons to the right, the last device-fan. Now I enter the value for the fan hold c/alt-Button & MODIFY. In this moment the values for the intensity disappear and the for the fan are displayed.

When I check the intensityvalues in the preset-editor or in live, the are untouched, but the tracklist doesnt show them.

When I go oncemore in the tracklist and modify one intensity which isnt display it will be shown if it is different to the value before I have edited the fan values.

I tried it with a new show and 5 scroller,fan & speed channels. The same. After a restart the tracklist is fine. Is there a posibility to refresh the tracklist?


 I was trying it once more. At this time the congo crashed.

I want to modify the intensity in the tracklist with displaying the fan attribut too for more then one device.

I have sent the log file to congo@etcconnect.com and wanted to attache it to this pos, but I have no permission.


so long



  • Hi


    on your congo browser in media you can choosean explain about tracking in this media file : congo 0 News 4.1

    when tracking open, use format+Beam and you can see the beam parameter with intensity

    have a good time with your congo


  • Hi


    on your congo browser in media you can choosean explain about tracking in this media file : congo 0 News 4.1

    when tracking open, use format+Beam and you can see the beam parameter with intensity

    have a good time with your congo


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