
Hi Everybody

I want to input a moving light with a blind.
However, if an attribute is moved, a moving light will run in live.
What kind of method has it inputted?

  • Hi Kani

    Do you mean that you want a moving light in a sequence to be recorded to move in blind?

    There is an automatic setting for this, and a manual one. Either one can be overridden manually. 
    It is called "GoInGo" (Live) or "GoInB" (blind).

    You can set/edit it for the whole step in the Sequence Editor (press SEQ).
    You can set/edit it for in individual attributes in the Preset Attribute Editor (3 PRESET & ATTRIB).

    Is this what you are trying to do at all?
    Check it in the Manual to find out more about it or post more questions here.

    All best
    Ulf Sandström
