working in preset list or blind

Hi everyone,

i've tried today to work on preset list or in blind mode to modify various presets without affecting what's live, but i've found some difficulties, so i'd like to ask what is the best method to do that as my director asks.

For example i had to insert some moving heads in a preset to have them already in position for the next preset. Automark was too slow because the preset time was pretty long.

I couldn't do it without moving my heads when i used focus palettes, and my director asked me to find a way to make all these presets fastly and without changing presets in the playback and without moving any head.

Is it possible to do it or i have to see a head going on its palette anymay?

Thank you for your attention and for the answers you gave me in previous topics.

  • Hi there -

    The fastest way to do what you are trying to do is to change the AutoMark time, I think. Automark will use the timing of the step in B, including any parameter time, so you do, in fact, have control over how fast or slow any automark transition takes place. In the preset that contains the move information (the levels that will be automarking), either change the FCB time on the preset (to affect ALL channels that are moving in that preset, whether by automark or live move on GO), or you can give just the automarking channels their own times - # PRESET & ATTRIB to open the attribute editor for that preset #, then use FORMAT & TIME to display the parameter time cells, then make sure you can edit this view (SETUP & TAB, unlock tab for editing), then use standard table editing to select cells and enter times. Don't forget to UPDATE when you are done. And if you enter a time that you want to get rid of, enter 0 TIME, do not use DELETE as that will delete the parameter level from that channel.

    Regarding blind changes appearing live, we have found some situations where this happens and we are looking into it so we can fix it.


    Thanks much -


  • When you were working in Blind or in the Preset List, did you have the attribute mode active? (Attribute mode is when you have toggled the channel view of the tab to show attributes instead of channels.)

    Which software version are you running on?

  • Thanks for your answers.

    I did like sarah told me and probably it is the best way to do what was asked me; as a little suggestion for the future editing presets from the preset list like i needed to do could be a good improvement.

    To answer anders i did it in attribute mode and i am running 6.1.


    Thanks again.
