Effect questions

Hello fellow Congo users. Have a couple of effects questions I am hoping someone can help me with.

1- Is there any way of independently controlling rate and size when using effect playbacks. I am familiar with the method of recording a preset with a live dynamic effect running with a rate/size paramaters in the dynamics tab but this can involve a lot of masking and can be a bit of a hassle... thoughts?

2 - I feel like this might be a new issue with the new software update, but I can't seem to keep live dynamic effects running when changing focus points in a busking scenario. For example: I have a live dynamic running off of a Master (either in a preset or via an effect playback) I have another master configured to be a focus point (either as a focus point loaded into the master or as a preset with all attributes masked except for focus) when I bring up the fader on the focus point master it stops the currently running live dynamic and moves to the focus point. Seems like there should be a way to do this live.

3 - This one might be a shot in the dark but I think it would be a really handy feature if its not possible - is there any way of creating an effect that can be applied to different groups or channel sets on the fly. Much in the way you can apply a color palette or beam palette to only the selected instruments despite how many different instruments are recorded into it. In other words, if I record my effect to be potentially applicable to all of the CMY instruments in my rig, can I (on the fly - busking) only apply that effect to a certain number of those instruments. this would be sweet!

Thanks as always for the help :)



  • Hi Kyle -

    First question - have you checked out the effects tutorials at the top of this forum? They might help to clarify some of your questions...

    1) Are you using dynamics applied directly to channels and stored in a preset or are you using a dynamic effect playback? If an effect playback, the intensity of the playback equals the size of the running dynamic. You could assign the effect rate parameter to a master and then use that to control the rate of selected dynamics - if you're going that route, though, I would then also apply the size parameter to a master as well. Then you can select whatever playbacks you want and control size and rate just as you would with the encoders. If you are using "old" dynamics (templates directly applied to channels and then recorded to a preset) you can assign any channel to control rate and or size, then assign those channels to masters. This is described in the help system.

    2) Can you send us a show file where this occurs? Either to Congo@etcconnect DOT com, or you can attach the file to a forum post.

    3) You can change the channel list on the fly in Dynamic and Content effects and you can change the Effect Layout on the fly in Image Effects. I think you are using old dynamics, and not effect playbacks, though - and this is one of the big reasons we made effect playbacks! :-) Please check out the tutorials, as I think you will have more fun with effect playbacks than with old dynamics.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi Kyle -

    First question - have you checked out the effects tutorials at the top of this forum? They might help to clarify some of your questions...

    1) Are you using dynamics applied directly to channels and stored in a preset or are you using a dynamic effect playback? If an effect playback, the intensity of the playback equals the size of the running dynamic. You could assign the effect rate parameter to a master and then use that to control the rate of selected dynamics - if you're going that route, though, I would then also apply the size parameter to a master as well. Then you can select whatever playbacks you want and control size and rate just as you would with the encoders. If you are using "old" dynamics (templates directly applied to channels and then recorded to a preset) you can assign any channel to control rate and or size, then assign those channels to masters. This is described in the help system.

    2) Can you send us a show file where this occurs? Either to Congo@etcconnect DOT com, or you can attach the file to a forum post.

    3) You can change the channel list on the fly in Dynamic and Content effects and you can change the Effect Layout on the fly in Image Effects. I think you are using old dynamics, and not effect playbacks, though - and this is one of the big reasons we made effect playbacks! :-) Please check out the tutorials, as I think you will have more fun with effect playbacks than with old dynamics.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


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