Hello fellow Congo users. Have a couple of effects questions I am hoping someone can help me with.
1- Is there any way of independently controlling rate and size when using effect playbacks. I am familiar with the method of recording a preset with a live dynamic effect running with a rate/size paramaters in the dynamics tab but this can involve a lot of masking and can be a bit of a hassle... thoughts?
2 - I feel like this might be a new issue with the new software update, but I can't seem to keep live dynamic effects running when changing focus points in a busking scenario. For example: I have a live dynamic running off of a Master (either in a preset or via an effect playback) I have another master configured to be a focus point (either as a focus point loaded into the master or as a preset with all attributes masked except for focus) when I bring up the fader on the focus point master it stops the currently running live dynamic and moves to the focus point. Seems like there should be a way to do this live.
3 - This one might be a shot in the dark but I think it would be a really handy feature if its not possible - is there any way of creating an effect that can be applied to different groups or channel sets on the fly. Much in the way you can apply a color palette or beam palette to only the selected instruments despite how many different instruments are recorded into it. In other words, if I record my effect to be potentially applicable to all of the CMY instruments in my rig, can I (on the fly - busking) only apply that effect to a certain number of those instruments. this would be sweet!
Thanks as always for the help :)