New Congo Templates!

One of the nicer things about Congo is that it's easy to make templates for brand new fixtures.

When you've made or adapted a template for your latest all-singing-all-dancing intelligent fixture, please share it with us!
(If you ZIP the show file(s), they take up almost no space at all)

Please include any notes about the use of the template - which mode it's designed for, and any particular oddities about the fixture.

To import these into another show, use the Browser > File > Import From... menu, choose "Templates", and then select the template you are after.

[edited by: Richard at 9:27 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006] [edited by: Richard at 9:18 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006] [edited by: Richard at 9:16 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006] [edited by: Richard at 9:07 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006]
  • The Mac TW1 - a moving head washlight from Martin, incorporating a tungsten lamp.

     The mechanical dimmer is found under the "Beam" group of parameters, and defaults to Fully Open.
     The Control channel includes the various remote-settable values, but it is not directly accessible by default. You'll need to set up a User Key (1,2 or 3 under the Focus, Colour & Beam keys) to give access to these settings from the encoders on your Congo.
     - Hold down "Modify" and then press your chosen User Key. This opens the parameter list for the wheels.
     - Hit "Modify" on the parameter cell for your chosen wheel, and select "Control" from the drop-down list.
    Now you will have access to the Control channel from that wheel.


    [edited by: Richard at 9:43 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006] [edited by: Richard at 9:27 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006]
  • The Robe Spot 575 XT and Robe Wash 575 XT.

     These are designed for Mode 2
     The Spot's stepped zoom is part of "Focus" in the "BEAM" group of parameters, as the same parameter does both focus and zoom.


    [edited by: Richard at 9:27 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006]
  • Some users have noticed a few problems with the built-in templates for the Wybron CXI, Mac 250 Entour, Mac 250 Wash and ETC Revolution.

    Here are a few better templates for these fixtures - obviously these will be updated in the next software release, but I'm sure you'd like them now!

    [edited by: Richard at 9:27 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 20 2006]
    CXI Mac250
  • Dear Richard,

    Where can I request new fixture templates for congo jr ? 


    Best wishes,

